EX model and EX-L model without navigation system
Compass Operation
Next to the outside temperature indicator of the information display, a compass indicates which direction your vehicle is pointed. It indicates eight directions.
N: North
S: South
E: East
W: West
NE: Northeast
NW: Northwest
SE: Southeast
SW: Southwest
For example, when your vehicle is traveling in the north-east direction, the compass shows ‘‘NE’’ in the display.
Compass operation can be affected by driving near power lines or stations, across bridges, through tunnels, over railroad crossings, past large vehicles, or driving near large objects that can cause a magnetic disturbance. It can also be affected by accessories such as antennas and roof racks that are mounted by magnets.
Compass Calibration
If you see ‘‘- -’’ in the direction display when you turn the ignition switch to the ON (II) position, the compass is self-calibrating.
The compass may need to be manually calibrated after exposure to a strong magnetic field. If the compass display changes to ‘‘- -’’ and the calibrate indicator blinks, or the display does not show any direction and the compass is not selfcalibrating, do the following.
1. Drive the vehicle slowly in three complete circles.
NOTE: Do this procedure in an open area, away from buildings, power lines, and other vehicles.
2. When the display goes from ‘‘- -’’ or blank to an actual heading, the unit is calibrated and the display returns to normal.
Compass Zone Selection
In most areas, there is a variation between magnetic north and true north. Zone selection is required so the compass can compensate for this variation. To check and select the zone, do this:
1. Press and hold the select/reset knob for 10 seconds to change the display to the reset mode.
2. Select the zone indicator by turning the select/reset knob. The display begins to blink. Push the same knob to enter this setting.
3. Find the zone for your area on the zone map. Each zone number (1 through 15) corresponds to a compass zone.
4. Turn the select/reset knob to select the appropriate zone number, and press the select/ reset knob to enter the number.
When the system does not accept the selected compass zone, you see ‘‘- -’’ in the direction display. Select appropriate zone number again.
See also:
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