Changing the Front Wiper Blade Rubber

Honda Crosstour / Honda Crosstour 2010-2025 Owner's Manual / Maintenance / Checking and Maintaining Wiper Blades / Changing the Front Wiper Blade Rubber

1. Lift the driver side wiper arm first, then the

1. Lift the driver side wiper arm first, then the passenger side.

2. Pry on the edge of the lock tab using a flattip

2. Pry on the edge of the lock tab using a flattip screwdriver to push it up.
- Wrap the flat-tip screwdriver with a cloth to prevent scratches.
3. Slide the blade from the wiper arm.


Avoid dropping the wiper arm; it may damage the windshield.

4. Slide the wiper blade out from its holder by

4. Slide the wiper blade out from its holder by pulling the tabbed end out.

5. Remove the retainers from the rubber blade

5. Remove the retainers from the rubber blade that has been removed, and mount to a new rubber blade.
- Correctly align the rubber protrusion and the retainer grooves.

6. Slide the new wiper blade onto the holder

6. Slide the new wiper blade onto the holder from the bottom end.
- The tab on the holder should fit in the indent of the wiper blade.
7. Slide the wiper blade onto the wiper arm, then push down the lock tab.
8. Lower the passenger side wiper arm first, then the driver side.

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